
Anatomy and Physiology 8th Edition Patton – Test Bank


Test Bank for Anatomy and Physiology, 8th Edition, Kevin T. Patton, Gary A. Thibodeau, ISBN: 9780323083577, ISBN: 9780323083645, ISBN: 9780323288149, ISBN: 9780323288156 – Instant Download



Test Bank for Anatomy and Physiology 8th Edition Patton

Test Bank for Anatomy and Physiology, 8th Edition, Kevin T. Patton, Gary A. Thibodeau, ISBN: 9780323083577, ISBN: 9780323083645, ISBN: 9780323288149, ISBN: 9780323288156

Table of Contents

UNIT ONE: The Body as a Whole

Introduction: Seeing the Big Picture

1. Organization of the Body

2. The Chemical Basis of Life

3. Anatomy of Cells

4. Physiology of Cells

5. Cell Reproduction

6. Tissues UNIT TWO: Support and Movement

7. Skin and its Appendages

8. Skeletal Tissues

9. Skeletal System

10. Articulations

11. Anatomy of the Muscular System

12. Physiology of the Muscular System UNIT THREE: Communication, Control, and Integration

13. Nervous System Cells

14. Central Nervous System

15. Peripheral Nervous System

16. Autonomic Nervous System

17. Sense Organs

18. Endocrine Regulation

19. Endocrine Glands

UNIT FOUR: Transportation and Defense

20. Blood

21. Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System

22. Physiology of the Cardiovascular System

23. Lymphatic System

24. Immune System

25. Stress UNIT FIVE: Respiration, Nutrition, and Excretion

26. Anatomy of the Respiratory System

27. Physiology of the Respiratory System

28. Anatomy of the Digestive System

29. Physiology of the Respiratory System

30. Nutrition and Metabolism

31. The Urinary System

32. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

33. Acid-Base Balance UNIT SIX: Reproduction and Development

34. Male Reproductive System

35. Female Reproductive System

36. Growth and Development

37. Genetics and Heredity Glossary Photo/Illustration Credits Index