Test Bank for Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach 6th Edition Quinn
Test Bank for Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach, 6th Edition, Robert E. Quinn, David Bright, Sue R. Faerman, Michael P. Thompson, Michael R. McGrath, ISBN : 1118582586, ISBN : 9781119034377, ISBN : 9781118582589
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION The Competing Values Approach to Management 1
The Evolution of Management Models 2
Early Twentieth Century: The Emergence of the Rational Goal Model and the Internal Process Model 3
Early to Mid-Twentieth Century: The Emergence of the Human Relations Model 6
Late to Mid-Twentieth Century: The Emergence of the Open Systems Model 7
Late Twentieth Century: The Emergence of Complexity and Integrative Assumptions 9
Early Twenty-First Century: Paradox, Connectivity, and Sustainability 11
The Competing Values Framework 12
Integrating Ideas about Effectiveness 12
The Use of Opposing Models 14
Behavioral Complexity and the Effectiveness of Managerial Leaders 15
Action Imperatives and Competencies for Managers 17
Organizing the Learning Process—ALAPA 20
Core Competency: Thinking Critically 22
Assessment: Going Public with Your Reasoning 22
Learning: Thinking Critically 22
Analysis: Argument Mapping 27
Practice: Providing Warrants 29
Application: Reflected Best-Self Portrait 29
Recap and Precourse Assessment 30
MODULE 1 Creating and Sustaining Commitment and Cohesion 33
Understanding Self and Others 35
Assessment 1: Anchors and Oars 35
Assessment 2: Develop Positive Habits 36
Learning: Understanding Self and Others 37
Analysis: Use the Johari Window to Analyze Behavior 45
Practice: How to Receive Feedback 45
Application: Solicit Feedback 46
Communicating Honestly and Effectively 47
Assessment: Communication Skills 47
Learning: Communicating Honestly and Effectively 48
Analysis: Using the Left-Hand Column to Develop Your Communication Skills 55
Practice: Using Reflective Listening to Move Thoughts and Feelings to the Right-Hand Column: The Case of Stacy Brock and Terry Lord 56
Application: Developing Your Reflective Listening Skills 57
Mentoring and Developing Others 58
Assessment: Assumptions about Performance Evaluations 58
Learning: Mentoring and Developing Others 59
Analysis: United Chemical Company 67
Practice: What Would You Include in the Performance Evaluation? 69
Application: Developing Your Capacity to Develop Others 70
Managing Groups and Leading Teams 70
Assessment: Are You a Team Player? 70
Learning: Managing Groups and Leading Teams 72
Analysis: Stay-Alive Inc. 85
Practice: Ethics Task Force 86
Application: Team-Building Action Plan 87
Managing and Encouraging Constructive Conflict 88
Assessment: How Do You Handle Conflict? 88
Learning: Managing and Encouraging Constructive Conflict 90
Analysis: Zack’s Electrical Parts 100
Practice: Win as Much as You Can 101
Application: Managing Your Own Conflicts 102
MODULE 2 Establishing and Maintaining Stability and Continuity 108
Organizing Information Flows 109
Assessment: Identifying Data Overload and Information Gaps 109
Learning: Organizing Information Flows 110
Analysis: Deciding What to Do with Data Inflows Using the Traffing Method 117
Practice: Making Messages Clear, Concise, and Complete 118
Application: Directing Your Own Data and Information Traffic 118
Working and Managing Across Functions 119
Assessment: Mapping Your Organization 119
Learning: Working and Managing Across Functions 120
Analysis: Errors in the Design? 126
Practice: Student Orientation 127
Application: Examining a Cross-Functional Team 128
Planning and Coordinating Projects 128
Assessment: Project Planning 128
Learning: Planning and Coordinating Projects 129
Analysis: Planning a Training Course 141
Practice: The Job Fair 143
Application: Managing Your Own Project 143
Measuring and Monitoring Performance and Quality 144
Assessment: Identifying Appropriate Performance Criteria 144
Learning: Measuring and Monitoring Performance and Quality 145
Analysis: Improving Performance in the Health Care Industry 151
Practice: Developing Education Performance Metrics 152
Application: Developing Performance Metrics for Your Job 153
Encouraging and Enabling Compliance 153
Assessment: Reactions to Methods of Encouraging Compliance 153
Learning: Encouraging and Enabling Compliance 154
Analysis: Strategies Used by the United States to Increase Compliance 164
Practice: Moving Compliance Outside the Workplace 164
Application: Your Organization’s Compliance Policies and Practices 165
MODULE 3 Improving Productivity and Increasing Profitability 170
Developing and Communicating a Vision 171
Assessment: How You Develop and Communicate Vision 171
Learning: Developing and Communicating a Vision 172
Analysis: Doug Fecher, Wright-Patt Credit Union 179
Practice: Crafting Your Leadership Story 181
Application: Envisioning Your Career 182
Setting Goals and Objectives 183
Assessment: Identifying Your Personal Goals 183
Learning: Setting Goals and Objectives 183
Analysis: Objectives Don’t Work for Me 191
Practice: Creating an Implementation Plan 193
Application: Evaluating the Use of Goal Setting in Your Organization 194
Motivating Self and Others 194
Assessment: When Are You the Most Motivated and Productive? 194
Learning: Motivating Self and Others 195
Analysis: From Motivated to Demotivated in 60 Seconds 206
Practice: Empowerment and Engagement 208
Application: When Are You and Your Colleagues the Most Motivated and Productive? 210
Designing and Organizing 211
Assessment: Assessing Organizational Culture 211
Learning: Designing and Organizing 212
Analysis: Responding to Environmental Challenges 225
Practice: USPS: Prescribe a Possible Future 226
Application: Understanding the Design of Your Company 226
Managing Execution and Driving for Results 227
Assessment: Your Leadership Task Orientation 227
Learning: Managing Execution and Driving for Results 228
Analysis: Execution and Results in a Crisis Situation 235
Practice: Examining the Impact of a New CEO on Execution and Results 236
Application: Know Your Time 236
MODULE 4 Promoting Change and Encouraging Adaptability 242
Using Power and Influence Ethically and Effectively 243
Assessment: Who Is Powerful? 243
Learning: Using Power Ethically and Effectively 244
Analysis: “I Hope You Can Help Me Out”: Don Lowell Case Study 253
Practice: The Big Move 254
Application: Building Your Power Base by Changing Your Influence Strategy 256
Championing and Selling New Ideas 256
Assessment: The Presenter’s Touch: You May Have It but Not Know It 256
Learning: Championing and Selling New Ideas 257
Analysis: Applying Communication Tools to Evaluate a Presentation 268
Practice: Improving a Memo Requesting Additional Personnel 269
Application: You Be the Speaker 270
Fueling and Fostering Innovation 271
Assessment: Are You a Creative Thinker? 271
Learning: Fueling and Fostering Innovation 272
Analysis: Creativity and Managerial Style 281
Practice: Encouraging Creative Thinking 281
Application 1: Import an Idea 282
Application 2: New Approaches to the Same Old Problem 283
Negotiating Agreement and Commitment 283
Assessment: How Effective Are You at Negotiating Agreement? 283
Learning: Negotiating Agreement and Commitment 284
Analysis: Your Effectiveness as a Negotiator 290
Practice: Standing on the Firing Line 291
Application: Negotiating at Work 293
Implementing and Sustaining Change 294
Assessment: Changes in My Organization 294
Learning: Implementing and Sustaining Change 294
Analysis: Reorganizing the Legal Division 305
Practice: Understanding Your Own Influence 307
Application: Planning a Change 307
CONCLUSION Integration and the Road to Mastery 312
Assessment: Reexamining Your Personal Competencies 313
Learning: Integration and the Road to Mastery 315
Analysis: Looking for Behavioral Complexity and Lift 327
Practice: Generating Lift to Support a Planned Change 328
Application: Your Strategy for Mastery 328