Test Bank for Cognitive Psychology: Applying The Science of the Mind 4th Edition Robinson-Riegler
Test Bank for Cognitive Psychology: Applying The Science of the Mind, 4th Edition, Bridget Robinson-Riegler, Gregory L. Robinson-Riegler, ISBN-10: 0134003373, ISBN-13: 9780134003375, ISBN-10: 0134003306, ISBN-13: 9780134003306
Table of Contents
1. Cognition as the Study of Information Processing
2. Perception and Consciousness
3. Mechanisms of Attention
4. Immediate Memory
5. Concepts and Categories of Object Recognition
6. Basic Processes in Long-Term Memory
7. The Reconstructive Nature of Memory
8. Autobiographical Memory
9. Basic Issues in Language and Speech Processing
10. Reading and Comprehending Text
11. Judgments and Decisions
12. Problem Solving