Data Analytics Using Excel Microsoft 365: With Accounting and Finance Datasets Version 3.0 Manzo – Test Bank
Test Bank for Data Analytics Using Excel Microsoft 365: With Accounting and Finance Datasets Version 3.0, Joseph M. Manzo, ISBN: 9781453337592
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Analytics and Microsoft Excel 365
Chapter 2: Essential Skills for Basic Data Analytics Projects
Chapter 3: Data Analytics Techniques for Basic Projects
Chapter 4: Using Mathematical Outputs for Analytics
Chapter 5: Scenario Analytics
Chapter 6: Exception Analytics
Chapter 7: Summarizing Exception Analytics
Chapter 8: Working with Big Datasets Case: Investigating Fraud
Chapter 9: Charts for Presentations and Data Visualization
Chapter 10: Predictive Analytics Case: Can You Predict the Stock Market?
Appendix A: Keyboard Only Commands from PC to Mac
Appendix B: Visual Differences between PC and Mac
Appendix C: Command and Feature Differences on a Mac
Appendix D: Command and Feature Omissions on a Mac