Test Bank for Gerontologic Nursing 4th Edition Meiner
Test Bank for Gerontologic Nursing, 4th Edition, Sue E. Meiner, ISBN-10: 0323069991, ISBN-13: 9780323069991, ISBN: 9780323069984
Table of Contents
Part One: Introduction to Gerontologic Nursing
1. Overview of Gerontologic Nursing
2. Theories of Aging
3. Legal and Ethical Issues
4. Gerontologic Assessment
Part Two: Influences on Health and Illness
5. Cultural Influences
6. Family Influences
7. Socioeconomic and Environmental Influences
8. Health Promotion and Illness/Disability Prevention
9. Health Care Delivery Settings and Older Adults
Part Three: Wellness Issues
10. Nutrition
11. Sleep and Activity
12. Safety
13. Intimacy and Sexuality
14. Mental Health
Part Four: Common Psychophysiologic Stressors
15. Pain
16. Infection
17. Chronic Illness and Rehabilitation
18. Substance Abuse
19. Cancer
20. Loss and End-of-Life Issues
Part Five: Diagnostic Studies and Pharmacologic Management
21. Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
22. Pharmacologic Management
Part Six: Nursing Care of Physiologic and Psychologic Disorders
23. Cardiovascular Function
24. Respiratory Function
25. Endocrine Function
26. Gastrointestinal Function
27. Musculoskeletal Function
28. Urinary Function
29. Cognitive and Neurologic Function
30. Integumentary Function
31. Sensory Function