
M Management 7th Edition Bateman – Test Bank


Test Bank for M Management, 7th Edition, Thomas Bateman, Robert Konopaske, Scott Snell, ISBN10: 1260735184, ISBN13: 9781260735185



M Management 7th Edition Bateman – Test Bank

Test Bank for M Management, 7th Edition, Thomas Bateman, Robert Konopaske, Scott Snell, ISBN10: 1260735184, ISBN13: 9781260735185

Table of Contents

Part one Introduction
1. Managing in a Global World
2. The Evolution of Management
3. The Organizational Environment and Culture

Part two Planning
4. Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
5. Planning and Decision Making
6. Entrepreneurship

Part three Organizing
7. Organizing for Success
8. Managing Human Resources
9. Managing Diversity and Inclusion

Part four Leading
10. Leadership
11. Motivating People
12. Teamwork
13. Communicating

Part five Controlling
14. Managerial Control
15. Innovating and Changing