
Occupational Therapy for Children 6th Edition Case-Smith – Test Bank


Test Bank for Occupational Therapy for Children, 6th Edition, Jane Case-Smith, Jane Clifford O’Brien, ISBN-10: 032305658X, ISBN-13: 9780323056588, ISBN: 9780323266475, ISBN: 9780323072274



Occupational Therapy for Children 6th Edition Case-Smith – Test Bank

Test Bank for Occupational Therapy for Children, 6th Edition, Jane Case-Smith, Jane Clifford O’Brien, ISBN-10: 032305658X, ISBN-13: 9780323056588, ISBN: 9780323266475, ISBN: 9780323072274

Table of Contents

1. An Overview of Occupational Therapy for Children

2. Foundation for OT Practice with Children

3. Development of Childhood Occupations

4. In Transition to Adulthood: The Occupations and Performance Skills of Adolescence

5. Working with Families

6. Common Diagnosis in Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practice

7. Purposes, Processes, and Methods of Evaluation

8. Use of Standardized Tests in Pediatric Practice

9. Development of Postural Control

10. Development of Hand Skills

11. Sensory Integration

12. Visual Perception

13. Psychosocial and Emotional Domains

14. Behavioral Intervention and Behavioral Support

15. Feeding Interventions

16. Self-Care and Adaptations for Independent Living

17. Instrumental Activities of Daily living and Community independence

18. Play

19. Prewriting and Handwriting Skills

20. Computers and Augmentative Communication

21. Mobility

22. Neonatal Intensive Case Unit

23. Early Intervention

24. School-Based Occupational Therapy

25. Services for Children with Visual or Auditory Impairments

26. Hospital Services and Pediatric Rehabilitation

27. Transition Services: From School to Adult Life