Solution Manual for Strategic Compensation 9th Edition Martocchio
Solution Manual for Strategic Compensation, 9th Edition, Joseph J. Martocchio, ISBN-10: 0134304217, ISBN-13: 9780134304212, ISBN-10: 0134320549, ISBN-13: 9780134320540
Table of Contents
PART 1: Setting the Stage for Strategic Compensation
1. Strategic Compensation: A Component of Human Resource Systems
2. Contextual Influences on Compensation Practice
PART 2: Bases for Pay
3. Seniority Pay and Merit Pay
4. Incentive Pay
5. Person-Focused Pay
PART 3: Designing Compensation Systems
6. Building Internally Consistent Compensation Systems
7. Market-Competitive Compensation Systems
8. Building Pay Structures that Recognize Employee Contributions
PART 4: Employee Benefits
9. Discretionary Benefits
10. Legally-Required Benefits
PART 5: Contemporary Strategic Compensation Challenges
11. Compensating Executives
12. Compensating the Flexible Workforce
PART 6: Compensation Around the World
13. Compensating Expatriates
14. Pay and Benefits outside the United States
15. Challenges Facing Compensation Professionals